Jumat, 18 Januari 2013

The Cats and The Mouse

             In a small town near  the jungle lived a cat with her three children. One day , the cat was hungry and she had  to feed three children. Suddenly  a mouse passed in front of the cat. She was very pleased to see it.
            The cat chased a  mouse and got it. When she almost swallowed it  , the mouse said  “ Benevolent cat , i have three children at home.My children were  waiting for me. They are hunger .If you kindly allowed me to go home , one day i surely reply your kindness.”
            The cat thought  for a moment , she also had  three children who are still young at home. She had compassion on mouse and then released it. The cat ran into forest to search another  food.
            A few months later there was a shortage of food . The cat was confused  to find food with her  three children. They were very weak and couldn’t  stand up for walk. Mouse that were ever released by cat passed in front of them with her three children  had grown up. Knowing that the cat was drooling she ,  mouse said to the cat “ you can eat all of us . I have promised to reply your kindness. I think it’s time for  it. The cat replied “ Are you sure ?” “ Yes madam” said the mouse.
             The cat was eating mouse , three children too. After they finished , they felt happy for mouse kindness.  Then the cat with her three children ran  toward the place where there was more food.

*”The mouse must be crazy :P “ Said my lecture.
But in  the fact, mouse usually eaten by cat mam. In here with different way. :D

Maya is My Close Friend

I have many friends in my life but i only have one friend  who close to me . I meet her at the first time in my college IKIP PGRI, when PSMB. She sat next to me. Then we introduced  ourselves  and talked  manythings . We feel comfort each other.It’s amazing that we are in one class, so we give phone number to each other.She is a girl , her name is Maya Rahma .I call her Maya . Maya is my close friend who has  inner and outer beauty .
            Maya is a good looking girl. When I look at her  face , she looks  so sweet especially when  she is  smiling. Her lips are beautiful with red colour. She also has beautiful eyes.  When she looks  at someone,  her eyes look so deep. She  ussualy use contact lens.She  collects  many contact lens with different colour , but  I like her very much when she uses  blue contact lens. She looks so beautiful like european people.Everyday she uses clothes with soft colour . It is suitable with her skin which is fair complexion skin. She never forgets to  use perfume everyday ,and I  like her very much  when she uses  jasmine perfume.It’s so fragant.
            She has a good voice . Of course, her hobby is singing. She ever told me that when she was in junior high school until she graduated senoir high school she took vocal course. She ever followed musical contest, and won many contests. In the classroom , before the lecture come, she always sings.Her favourite  song is dear god. I remember  when we were in new student orientation, she sang that song. I know that she has a  nice voice.
Maya also has a good personality. She never forgets  to say please when she needs help to do something. She also never forgets to say thanks for everything  she gets from her friends  and to say sorry when she did mistake with someone.Maya is a kind girl. She always helps me when I have problem . I remember two weeks ago my writing book was lost, i was so confused  because this book is important for my writing class. Then Maya came to my house and accompanied to find this book in many book shops. I was so happy , I found  that book after visited some book shops. Beside of hat , in the weekend we often hang out together  and shared  many stories
            In many ways , Maya is a charming girl . She has  good looking which is depicted in her lips, eyes, soft sweet brown skin and fragant . She also has a  good voice and personality.

*Note from my lecture “ I hope you and Maya will be good friends forever." J
Thanks mam..:D

Sabtu, 12 Januari 2013

12 january 2012

Today is saturday.
Ya....bagi kebanyakan orang mungkin hari ini hari libur.,Tapi bagi saya saturday is time to writing.Bangun pagi-pagi, ngerapiin rumah, nyiapin sarapan terus goes to campus.Dengerin penjelasan dosen terus  let's try to practice.Berhubung hari ini libur, yah gag ada salahnya kan buad jalan"..:)
mau kemana ya?
a. tawangmangu (udah minggu kemarin,masa kesana lagi)
b.jalan tembus ( agak bosen sih:)
c.sarangan (yah kan udah nglewatin minggu kemarin)
d.widas ( belum minat deh)
e. jamus ( wawang jalanya, jauhnya)
f. ngebel (good idea, mumpung lagi musim durian :D )

tet......jam 08.00 Berangkat dengan gasoline hampir full, kira" kesana gag bakal habis 10.000 koq( ini cuma buat bensin, dari takeran ke ngebel ), jemput temen dulu kerumahnya, masih nungguin dia maem ampe setengah jam , nungguin dia dandan setengah jam, akhirnya berangkatnya jam setengah sepuluh..(waaa...melenceng dari jadwal).Perjalanan sekitar 45 menit, gag cepet koq, gag pelan juga, cuma nyantai, yang penting nyampe makan durian.lhoh) .Nyampe sana beli tiket, Rp 10.000 berdua (ini seharusnya, tapi mungkin karena kita atau dia pinter ngomong dan mungkin juga keberuntungan ditangan kita, dapat diskon 30% jadi tinggal bayar Rp 7.000).Parkir motor tetep Rp 1.000 ( masa mu minta diskon lagi kan gag enak juga..:D.) Pengen naik speed boat Rp 45.000 ( nanti aja deh, kalau ada diskonan 95% baru aku mau naik).
Disebelahnya ada kapal Rp 5.000 (nah itu lebih baik,untuk my wallet).Awalnya cuma kita berdua di kapal, ngabisin waktu nunggu penumpang yang laen ya gag ada salahnya foto" dulu.10 menit kemudian,tataratata.......kapalnya udah penuh,karena siapa yang bawa keberuntungan? ya kita berdua,hehe. 20 menitan naik kapal terus turun beli bakso Rp 3.000, beli jahe anget Rp 2.000 Kerupuk pasir Rp. 2.000.Cerita tentang pare, semuanya, harganya, fasilitas, camp, teacher,planning bulan depan ,ngomong pake bahasa inggris ampe maz" yang ada disamping ngeliatin (mungkin mikir ngomong apa ni anak berdua)hehe. ngomongin orang yang jadi hantu (hantu dalam hati maksudnya) ampe ngomongin organisasi dan parpol juga, ampe daftar beasiswa dari pemda juga ntar buad S2.(ketemu sama dia itu rasanya sehari kaya 30 menit, gag cukup banget).jam 12 pulang mampir ke ibu" penjual durian( agak gag bersahabat ibu'nya) mahal lagi, 1 aja Rp 35.000.Akhirnya ke ibu yang lain harganya Rp 30.000 ya masih mahal lah bu , yang jadi malah beli alpukat 2 kg Rp 10.000( gag tau sih ini termasuk murah atau gag soalnya sebelumnya Rp 7.500 1 Kg).Jalan lagi ketemu ama ibu penjual durian yang lain (Doanya terkabul atau keberuntungan lagi" berpihak pada kita )Rp 10.000 dan Rp 15.000 untuk 1 durian....ahaaaaa..
Hitung dulu biaya kesana *ini kalau kesananya berdua, jadi masing" bayarnya..
bensin Rp 5.000
tiket Rp 3.500
parkir Rp 1.000
kapal Rp 5.000
minum Rp 2.000
maem Rp.1.500
Durian Rp. 7.500
jalan' itu boleh, tapi pemborosan itu sangat dilarang :)

Selasa, 08 Januari 2013

Bird Song

A little bird singing a love
song that her mother taught
That little bird somehow sings
it over and over
She files very high try to find
the place she first learnt to fly
She files so very high she
wants to seek an answer from the sky
On a misty mountain over the
clear water river
But there's no misty mountain
let alone a clear water river
And she just wants to go home
She just wants to be at home
On a misty mountain
But now turned into barren
She just wants to be singing
when the sun rise in the morning
On a misty mountain
But now turned into barren
She doesn't know what happened
All of those trees has been
cut down
In the name of humanity
The river runs dry
Because now clouds refuse to cry
If I could
Then I would
Try to make us all
Care bout her call


I do remember hate that came after ..
Broken heart ..
Sadness that make me so helpless ..
I can fight ..
I can remember how long it least ..
I’m sure it went away so freaking fast ..

Far too many emotions
That taint my soul
Before my faith
And often I drown in the moment
When in the end they all ..

I do remember laughter that can make ..
My stomach hurt
With happiness that make it all pretty ..
Even a dirt ..
I can remember how long it least ..
I’m pretty sure it went away so fast ..

Far too many emotion
That taint my soul
Before my faith
And often I drown in the moment
Where every path I take feels seem
The only on the right direction ..

So I’m growing old but life doesn’t seem as pretty ..
With sometimes life as not endless sea ..
(blue as the sea.. Blue as the sky )
Everywhere I look every were I turn..
Every time I grow and every time I burn
I should not mind to mourn ..
Sometimes it just ..

Jumat, 04 Januari 2013

apa itu akhwat cantik??

C --> Cerdas
Cerdas dalam menganalisa penyebab munculnya masalah. Cerdas dalam menghadapi masalah yaitu mampu menemukan penyelesaian untuk masalah yang muncul.
A --> Attention
Mampu memperhatikan diri sendiri, tentang bagaimana diri kita sendiri,mampu mengintrospeksi kekurangan dalam diri.Memiliki kepekaan terhadap keluarga,saudara dan lingkungan.
N --> No reason
Tidak suka mencari alasan.Ketika diminta tolong hal yang baik segera membantu,ketika akan mengaji tidak memikirkan sinetron, message.:D. Ketika mau berinfak tidak memikirkan " aduh kalau aku infak segini nanti uangku kurang, terus akhirnya jadi segini, padahal besok aku pengen beli ini,pengen jajan ini"  #ups.
T --> Taat
Taat pada perintah orang tua, taat pada perintah guru (taat dalam hal kebaikan ya).Pernah dengar kan sami'na wa atho'na yang berarti kami dengar dan kami taati.
I --> Inovatif
Selalu melakukan pembaharuan menjadi pribadi yang lebih baik.Lebih menutup aurat, lebih memperbanyak bacaan bermanfaat, lebih memperbanyak kegiatan yang bermanfaat.
K --> Kuat
Kuat  secara mental dalam menghadapi banyaknya masalah yang datang, banyaknya tekanan yang menghadang.Kuat secara fisik dalam menjalani kehidupan, tidak mengeluh ketika sakit, tidak mengeluh ketika harus mengerjakan hal - hal yang berat.

apakah kamu akhwat cantik??